Monday, January 22, 2007

Gone Phishing

Received a letter from Ghana this morning (see below), and, well, there's just something so sweet about this gentleman's phishing expedition. I mean, how nice is it to be called "Dearest" first thing in the morning? And those poor "motherless babies and orphanage children around the world"! As a dearest, I, of course, should jump at the chance to help them.

But then I saw his egregious copyediting mistakes: "a client that" should have been "a client who," and "takes towards investment.My client" should have been "takes toward investment. My client," and the straw that breaks the camel's back, "around the world which shall be supervised by you" should have been "around the world, which shall be supervised by you." How can I trust someone who can't pay attention to these important details?

-----Original Message-----
From: Donnas Martin []
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 7:02 AM
Subject: Letter of Introduction

I am a financial consultant based in Ghana. I have a client that has a huge amount of money that runs into millions of dollars to invest in a stable economy.
His interest is in companies/investments with potentials for rapid growth in long terms or individual who have what it takes towards investment.My client is interested in placing part of his fund in your company if you have one so long as your country's bilaws allows foreign investment with less taxation.
He also intend to donate part of the fund to establish welfare trust fund meant for children of less privileges, motherless babies and orphanage children around the world which shall be supervised by you
If you have this quality to handle this project,write me back for more details via my e-mail address: or Telephone 00233
27 52 84 665
Yours faithfully,
Mr.Donnas Martin
NB: The fund is free from drug, terrorist or money laundering related offences.

Donnas Consultant Ltd
Tel:00233 27 52 84 665